How To Take Screenshot On Mac OS X: An Easy Tutorial
How To Capture Screenshot On Macbook A screenshot is a picture that you can take of what’s on your screen. You may want to take a screenshot if you want to show someone something on your computer or mobile device, like an error message or funny email. Screenshots are also useful for taking pictures of web pages and documents. This is especially true for people who use their computers for work and do not have access to a scanner. Screenshots can come in handy when you need an image of the original website, such as when using it as evidence in court or publishing it online. do this by press Command + Shift + 3 How to take screenshot of whole screen mac. Taking a screenshot of your screen can be done in many ways. You don’t need to use a 3rd party software or app to do this. You can take a screenshot on Mac using the keyboard shortcuts and built-in tools. This guide will show you how to take screenshots of your entire Mac desktop , all open windows or just selected areas on your ...